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地道英语句典A-Z #1041-1050









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发表于 2023-1-16 10:21:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
地道英语句典A-Z #1041-1050
(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)
建议: 这里是教英文,不是教翻译,集中读英文部分,不明再看中文解释,不要质疑翻译是否适当。
*她说: “虽然他跟老板对话时({说“他妈的”/说那个“F***” [犯]字/ditto}1a/{说那个“粪便”的字/ditto}1b/{说那个“黑鬼[犯]”的字}1c)(不应成理由去开除他)2.”: She said: “(There is no reason to fire him)2 even if he ({dropped the F-bomb/ uttered the F-word/said the “F*** [犯]” word}1a/{used the S-word/said the “Sh** [犯]” word}1b/{used the N-word/ said the “Nig**r [犯]” word}1c) in his conversation with the boss.”
*他在(学校的朋友)1问道: “你要(一起)2({取一个汉堡包}3a/ {取得一些吃的}3b)吗?” 他说: “我的(老妈)4已经(做了晚饭/ditto)5如果我(在外面吃饭)6她会({小题大做}7a/{大叫大嚷}7b).”: His (friend at school)1 asked: “Do you want to ({grab a hamburger}3a/{grab a bite}3b) together2?” He said: “My (old lady)4 already (made supper/ cooked supper)5, and she would ({make a big fuss}7a/{scream her head off}7b) if I (eat out)6.”
麻: (~) (hemp/flax); (~) pockmarked; (~) sparrow; (~) eagle; (~) numb; (~) mahjong game
w 麻布: linen
w 麻子: crater-face
w 大麻: (marijuana/grass/weed/ dope/pot)
w 大麻植物: hemp
w 吸大麻的人: stoner
w 大麻香烟: a (joint/reefer/ marijuana cigarette)
*那(医生)1在(他施手术前)2需要(麻醉/ditto)3(伤口)4: The doctor1 needed to (freeze/ numb/anesthetize/apply anesthetic on)3 the wound4 (before he operated on it)2.
*他说: “(麻烦你)1(移过一点儿)2, (我正在走过去)3.”: He said: “(Would you please)1 (move over a bit)2. (I’m coming through)3.”
*他说: “(妈的[犯])1! 我的脚(发麻了/麻得动不了)2.”: He said: “Damn1 [犯]! My leg is (sleeping/numb)2.”
*他说: “这个女孩子是(漂亮)1 (但她不值得导致的麻烦)2.”: He said: “This girl is pretty1 (but she causes more trouble than it’s worth)2.”
*他说: “每一次我带我那条狗去(兽医/ditto)1(它都表现出麻烦行为)2.”: He said: “(My dog acts up)2 every time I take it to the (vet/veterinarian)1.”
*他说: “你若是(驾驶这个高速度)1被(抓到/ditto)2(你会有大麻烦/ditto)3.”: He said: “(You are toast/You are in deep trouble/Your goose is cooked/Your ass is in a sling)3 if you get (nailed/caught)2 (driving at this high speed)1.”
*最近一次(恋爱分手)1后她对这(新关系)2({麻木}3a/{漠不关心/ditto}3b)了: After the last breakup1, she’s ({numb}3a/{indifferent/nonchalant}3b) to the (new relationship)2.
*他说: “(上台)1(对着现场听众演讲)2关于这个(复杂的议题)3你需要(呈述概观)4省去(很多使脑袋麻木的细节)5.”: He said: “(In speaking to a live audience)2 (on stage)1 about this (complicated subject)3 you need to (present the big picture)4 without (a lot of mind-numbing detail)5.”
*她的儿子是一个(中学中途退学者)1(花费时间)2跟(恶棍)3, (酗酒徒)4和(吸大麻者)5(交往)6: Her son is a (high-school dropout)1 who (spends time)2 (hanging out with)6 thugs3, drunks4, and dopeheads5.
*她记得在(手术房)1被(麻醉/ditto)2前她的丈夫(握着她的手)3(向她保证)4: “(甜心)5, (我们一齐来度过这个)6.”: She remembered before she was (put under/anesthetized)2 in the (operation room)1, her husband (held her hand)3 and (assured her)4: “Honey5, (we’ll get through this together)6.”
*我问道: “你最近(打麻将)1怎么样?”, 他回答道: “({我正在手风顺最近十场一分钱都没有损失过.}2a/{我正在手风不顺最近十场每一场都大败. }2b)”: I asked: “How have you been doing in mahjong1?”, and he answered: “({I’m in a groove and haven’t lost a dime in the last ten games.}2a/{I am in a funky groove and lost big in each of the last ten games.}2b)”
*丈夫(蹒跚)1走进屋子以(颤抖的声音)2对妻子说: “我从(公车站)3(经过)4(膝盖高的雪)5走一里回家, 现在我的脚({冷到麻木}6a/{冷到僵硬}6b).”: The husbands stumbled1 into the house and said to his wife in a (trembling voice)2: “I walked a mile through4 (knee-deep snow)5 from the (bus stop)3 to get back home, and now my feet are ({frozen numb}6a/{frozen stiff}6b).”
蟆: (~) toad
w 癞蛤蟆: toad; ugly guy trying to score on a beautiful girl
[]: (~) what?
*他说: “(你找我干吗)1?”: He said: “(Are you looking for me? What for)1?”
[]: (~) horse; related to horse; (~) immediately; (~) circus; (~) hasty and careless; (~) hidden intention
w 赛马: horse racing
w 马鬃: mane
w 马蹄: hoof
w 木马: hobbyhorse
w 骏马: steed
w 鞍马: pommel horse (gymnastics)
w 海马: sea horse
w 河马: (hippo/hippopotamus)
w 跳马: long horse vault (gymnastics)
w马鞍: saddle
w马镫: stirrups
w马槽: stable
w小马: pony
w一岁马: yearling
w赛马场: race track
w马蹄铁: horseshoes
w一匹马: a horse
w雄性大马: a horse
w雌性大马: a mare
w阉割的雄马: gelding
w一颗睾丸的雄性马: ridgeling
w雄性小马[注: 三岁以下]: a colt
w雌性小马[注: 三岁以下]: a filly
w还在哺乳的(小马/小骡子/小驴子): foal
*他说: “(每一次做事马后炮有什么意义)1.”: He said: “(What’s the sense taking action after the fact every single time)1?”
*他说: “(马上/ditto)1走过来.”: He said: “Get over here (on the double/right away/right this moment)1.”
*他说: “我(马上/ditto)1(飞快赶过来/ditto)2.”: He said: “I’m (zipping over/whizzing over/ zooming over/whooshing over)2 (immediately/right away/straightaway)1.”
*这(雌马)1(生了)2(很多奖金大赛的获胜者)3: This mare1 (has foaled)2 (many stake winners)3.
*那(女明星)1说: “(狗仔队先生)2, (请放我一马)3停止(骚扰/ditto)4我.”: The actress1 said: “(Mr. Paparazzo)2, (please give me a break)3 and stop (pestering/badgering)4 me.”
*他说: “(马上去/ditto)1拿一杯咖啡给(老板)2.”: He said: “Get the boss2 a cup of coffee (and make it snappy/on the double)1.”
*他说: “(等一下/ditto)1, 那(文件)2(马上/ditto)3会(准备好)4.”: He said: “(Hang on/Wait)1, the document2 will be ready3 (in a jiffy/in a moment/in a sec/in a second)4.”
*(根据)1(新发现的/ditto)2(证据)3, (嫌疑犯)4被宣判无罪(马上/ditto)5(被释放)6: (Based on)1 (newfound/ newly discovered)2 evidence3, the suspect4 was vindicated and (summarily/immediately)5 released6.
*(新的总裁)1(马上)2把那(有困难的公司)3(带领去)4(无惧冒险的)5(新方向)6: (The new CEO)1 (wasted no time)2 in steering4 (the troubled company)3 to a bold5 (new direction)6.
*她说: “(找出)1(哪一个)2(订那些架子)3”, 他回答: “我(马上/ditto)4 (去做/ditto)5”: She said: “(Find out)1 who2 (ordered those racks)3!” He replied: “I (am on it/will get on with it/will do it)5 (right away/immediately)4.”
*他说: “若是她(答应)1的话我会({马上/ditto}2a/{飞快/ditto}2b)(跟她结婚)3.”: He said: “I will (marry her)3 ({in a heartbeat/right away/ immediately}2a/{in a flash/in nothing flat}2b) if she (says yes)1.”
*(大热门马)1(从闸冲出来)2({由开始领先到终点轻松跑胜}3a/{没有放弃领先以十个马位胜出}3b): The favorite1 (charged out of the gate)2 and ({cruised to a wire-to-wire victory}3a/{never relinquished the lead to win by ten lengths}3b).
*当({带头的}1a/{快速的}1b) (马匹)2在(终点前一段直路)3开始({力有不逮}4a/{疲劳}4b), (取胜者)5({发动迟的振作精力}6a/{发动迟的冲力}6b/{用它的后劲}6c)({取得赛事}7a/{赢取一切}7b): As the ({leading}1a/{speed}1b) horses2 began to ({labor}4a/ {tire}4b) down the stretch3, the winner5 ({staged a late rally}6a/ {staged a late surge}6b/{used its late speed}6c) to ({take the race}7a/{take it all}7b).
[]: (~) numerical symbol; (~) poker chip; (起~) at least
w码头: (pier/wharf/dock/quay)
w砝码: weights for (old fashion type) scales
*他说: “(从这里去你家)1(起码)2(需时)3(一个多钟头/ditto)4.”: He said: “(Getting to your place from here)1 takes3 (over an hour/an hour and change)4 (at the minimum)2.”
*那些(惊人的)1(特别效果)2是用(数码科技)3(加插进电影)4: The breathtaking1 (special effects)2 were digitally3 (inserted into the film)4.
*他说: “我们(衣服)1的(尺码)2是(特大)3, (大码)4, (中码)5, (小码)6, 和(特小码/ditto)7.”: He said: “The sizes2 of our clothes1 come as (extra large)3, large4, medium5, small6 and (extra small/petite)7.”
*他说: “我女朋友的(前度男友)1刚给她(一卡的钻戒)2.” 他的朋友说: “(你最好是)3(加码)4不然(你将会有一段长时间是独身汉)5.”: He said: “My girlfriend’s (ex/ex-boyfriend)1 just gave her a (one-carat diamond ring)2.” His friend said: “(You better)3 (up the ante)4 or (you’re going to be a bachelor for a long time)5.”
*(密码)1是(八个位)2的({字母}3a/{数目}3b/{字母数目混合}3c)(代码)4: The password1 is an eight-digit2 ({alphabetical}3a/{numeric}3b/ {alphanumeric}3c) code4.
[]: (~) morphine
[]: (~) agate
[]: (~) ant
[]: (~) curse; (~) cuss; (~) scold
*他(痛骂)1(批评他的人)2: He (lashed out at)1 (his critics)2.
*(他对她激烈批评)1后(她愤怒地回骂)2: (She snapped back at him)2 after (he gave her a piece of his mind)1.
*(两人)1(无缘无故)2({互相辱骂}3a/{向对方尖叫}3b): (The pair)1 ({exchanged angry words}3a/{screamed at each other}3b) (over nothing)2.
*他说: “要是(他不照我说去做)1我会(把他大骂一顿/ditto)2.”: He said: “If (he doesn’t do what I say)1 I’m going to (give him hell/give him sh*t [犯])2.”
*他说对孩子们有(太多)1(体恤感受)2和(尊重)3来跟(离婚妻子)4(互相辱骂)5: He said he had (too much)1 sensitivity2 and respect3 for his children to (get into a slanging match)5 with his ex-wife4.
*他说: “如果你(弄糟了事情/ditto)1, 做(足够的男子汉)2来(接受责骂)3替代(归咎)4于他人.”: He said: “If you (screw up/mess up)1, be (man enough)2 to (take the heat)3 instead of (laying the blame)4 on others.”
*他说: “在这个办公室({做事主动}1a/ {随机应变}1b)(被视为)2(不依从指引)3而被(责骂/ditto)4.”: He said: “In this office ({initiatives}1a/ {improvisations}1b) (are seen as)2 (stepping out of line)3 and (reprimanded/berated/ scolded/reproached/rebuked/ chastised/castigated/censured/criticized)4.”
*他因为在(不适当/ditto)1的时刻说(荒谬/ditto)2的一些东西得到(很应受)3的(责骂/ditto)4: He got a well-deserved3 (scolding/reprimand/tongue-lashing)4 for saying something (ridiculous/asinine/ludicrous/ absurd/preposterous)2 at an (inappropriate/inopportune)1 time.
*在(不能解释的原因/ditto)1下他在(办公室)2时常(被欺负)3 (甚至)4(时常)5(承受老板剧烈怒骂的最大部分)6: (Somehow /For reasons unknown/ Inexplicably)1 he is always (picked on)3 in the office2 and even4 (bears the brunt of the boss’s blasts)6 (all the time)5.
*他说: “那个人(给我轻蔑的冷笑)1, 我去(大骂他一顿/ditto)2.” 她说: “不要, 那是(不值得的/ditto)3.”: He said: “That guy (sneered at me)1. I’m going to (give him a piece of my mind/tell him off/let him have it)2.” She said: “Don’t! It’s not (worth your while/worth it)3.”
*他说: “你不会(真的)1(预期)2在(员工会议)3中对那(霸道)4和(小心眼)5的(暴君经理)6(无礼貌地回驳/ditto)7而(不会被大骂一顿)8, 是吗?”: He said: “You really1 don’t expect2 to (talk back rudely/mouth off)7 to that bullying4 and small-minded5 (tyrant of a manager)6 in a (staff meeting)3 (without getting your ass chewed up and spit out)8, do you?”
*他说: “我只是({要求}1a/{示意}1b)他(减低声音)2他便({很凶地斥骂我一顿/ditto}3a/{对我愤然大怒}3b).”: He said: “All I ({asked}1a/{gestured}1b) was for him to (lower his voice)2 and he ({tried to bite my head off/tried to tear my head off}3a/{blew up on me}3b).”
*经理(告诉他)1被(开除)2后他(愤怒骂出)3(紧密连串)4的({辱骂}5a/{猥亵言语}5b)并(愤怒冲出)6(办公室)7: After the manager (told him)1 he was fired2, he (let fly)3 a barrage4 of ({insults}5a/{obscenities}5b) and (stormed out)6 of the office7.
*(球队教练)1来到(记者招待会)2(开口大骂)3({谴责媒体不公平地针对他}4a/{声称媒体不公平地针对他}4b): The (team coach)1 went to the (press conference)2 (with guns blazing)3, ({accusing the media of targeting him unfairly}4a/ {claiming he had been unfairly targeted by the media}4b).
*母亲对那两个(正在打架)1和(互相以侮辱名称对骂)2的(小兄弟)3说: “({停止那么做}4a/{停止打架}4b)! (认为如何)5你们两个(分享)6和(轮流)7(坐自行车)8.”: The mother said to the (two little brothers)3 who were fighting1 and (calling each other names)2: “({Stop that}4a/{Stop fighting}4b)! (How about)5 if you two share6 and (take turns)7 (riding the bike)8?”
*他对(愤怒/ditto)1的女朋友说: “({抑制骂我}2a/{在你没有对我尖叫之前}2b)({听我说完}3a/{让我解释}3b)”: He said to his (steaming/furious/ fuming/raging)1 girlfriend: “({Hold your fire}2a/{Before you scream at me}2b), ({hear me out}3a/{let me explain}3b).”
*他说: “如果你(停止)1({粗鲁地大骂}2a/{大骂/ditto}2b)你(员工做的每一个错误)3(可能)4他们(在工作上)5(会更主动性)6.”: He said: “If you stop1 ({barking at}2a/{jumping on/ jumping all over}2b) (every single mistake that your employees make)3, maybe4 they (would take more initiatives)6 (in their work)5.”
*昨天(在他们家庭聚会)1那(精于运动的老表)2(被取笑后)3 (开玩笑地说)4: “(你们这些人欺负我干吗)5?” (舅舅)6(边笑边答道)7: “我猜(痛骂运动健儿是今天指令)8.”: Yesterday (in their family gathering)1 the (athletic cousin)2 (jokingly said)4 (after he was teased)3: “(Why are you guys picking on me for)5?” The uncle6 (laughingly replied)7: “I guess (jock-bashing is the order of the day)8.”
*他说: “我的妻子已经(把所有东西也买)1来(考验我的容忍限度)2, 但(钻石戒指)3是(超越底线的最终一事)4, 这次我会(把她大骂一顿/ditto)5.”: He said: “My wife has been (testing my patience)2 (by buying everything under the sun)1, but the (diamond ring)3 is the (last straw [note: originated from “the last straw that broke the camel’s back”])4 and I’m going to (sock it to her/give it to her/give it to her good)5 this time.”
*(主管的)1(不停)2(胡乱怒骂)3和({贬低性}4a/{侮辱性}4b/{藐视性}4c)的(评语)5使(工作地方)6成为所有(工人)7(受不了的活生生地狱)8: The supervisor’s1 constant2 (rambling rant)3 and ({derogatory}4a/{insulting}4b/{disparaging}4c) comments5 make the workplace6 (a living hell)8 for all the workers7.
*她对(归咎/ditto)1她(导致)2她的(婚姻破裂)3的女朋友(抗辩)4说: “(停止责骂我)5, 我在这({灾难}6a/{团糟}6b)中是({无辜的/ditto}7a/{没有关连的}7b): She pleaded4 to her girlfriend that (accused/blamed/ pointed finger at her)1 for causing2 her (marriage breakup)3: “(Stop bashing me)5! I ({am innocent in/am an innocent bystander in}7a/{have nothing to do with}7b) this ({disaster}6a/{mess}6b).”
[]: (auxiliary word) really?
*他的儿子说: “(我的父亲是个副总裁)1”, 他的(表弟)2回应: “(是吗/ditto)3, (我的父亲比你的更好)4, 他是个(总裁)5”: His son said: “(My father is a vice-president)1!” His cousin2 replied: “(Oh yeah/Really)3! (My father is better than yours)4. He is a president5”.
嘛: (auxiliary word) for sure!; only!
*他说: “(我是富有)1.” 她回答道: “(是嘛)2.”: He said: “(I’m rich)1.” She replied: “(Is that so)2?”
*他说: “(不能怪他)1, (他明显是新来的嘛)2.”: He said: “(Don’t blame him)1. (It’s obvious he’s new here)2.”
māi: XXXXX
埋: (~) bury; (~) focus; (~) ambush
*一个(听者)1会将他的(不体恤)2的(评语)3(埋在)4(心里)5: A listener1 could (tuck away)4 insensitive2 comments3 in his heart5.
*那在(警察巡逻车)1里面的(醉酒驾驶者)2把(脸孔埋在双手)3({悲哀地}4a/{后悔地}4b) (不能控制地呜咽)5对他(被认定要负责的/ditto)6(导致死亡交通意外)7: The (drunken driver)2 in the (police cruiser)1 (buried his face in his hands)3 and (sobbed uncontrollably)5 with ({sorrow}4a/{regret}4b) at the (fatal accident)7 that he was (held responsible/held accountable)6.
[]: (~) purchase
*当(市场炽热)1时他(短线买卖地产)2(赚了第一百万块钱)3: He (made his first million)3 by (flipping properties)2 when (the market was hot)1.
*他({准备去买}1a/{到处找最好的价钱买}1b)一辆(新车)2: He is ({in the market}1a/ {shopping around}1b) for a (new car)2.
*他是个({成功}1a/{有名}1b)的香港(善用不正规方法买卖房地产的能手/ditto)2: He is a ({successful}1a/{well-known}1b) (wheeler-dealer in real estate/person that engages in wheeling and dealing real estate)2 in Hong Kong.
*(女售货员)1说: “这一件(恤衫)2今星期(半价)3(出售/ditto)4.” 他说: “({我买它}5a/{我买五件}5b).”: The (sales lady)1 said: “This shirt2 is (going/selling)4 for half-price3 this week.” He said: “({I’ll take it}5a/{I’ll take five of that}5b).”
*学生在八月为(返回学校)1({疯狂花钱}2a/{疯狂购买东西}2b)父母({付款}3a/{对那些东西付款}3b): Students go on a back-to-school1 ({spending spree}2a/{shopping spree}2b) in August and parents are ({footing the bills}3a/{paying for the stuff}3b).
*他们(引进)1一个(革命性)2的(采购买/ditto)3(制度)4一年内他们把(原料费用)5(减少/ditto)6百分之三: They have introduced1 a revolutionary2 (procurement/purchasing)3 system4 and in one year they (cut/reduce/trim)6 (material costs)5 by three-percent.
*他(营运/ditto)1(小买卖)2(做代理供应)3(办公室文具)4和(商务印刷)5 给(香港岛屿)6(某些)7(商行)8: He (runs/ operates)1 (a small business)2 in brokering3 (office supplies)4 and (commercial printing)5 to certain7 businesses8 in (Hong Kong Island)6.
*他说: “我(由于需要)1而(购物)2, 那是跟我女朋友(习惯性地/ditto)3 (由于冲动)4而(买东西)5(成一个强烈对比)6.”: He said: “I (buy things)2 (out of necessity)1, which is (in sharp contrast)6 to my girlfriend who (routinely/habitually)3 (buys things)5 (on impulse)4.”
*({找买家}1a/{出售给价高者得}1b)的(子公司)2({被大群企图收购者追求}3a/{吸引了很多兴趣/ditto}3b): The subsidiary2 ({on the block}1a/ {for sale to the highest bidder }1b) ({is courted by a slew of suitors}3a/{draws a lot of interest/attracts a lot of attention}3b).
*很多(有钱父母)1(大量供应)2 (昂贵礼物)3来(收买)4孩子而不是提供(时间)5, (关怀)6, (爱心)7, (耐性)8, 和(支持)9: Many (rich parents)1 (buy off)4 their children by showering2 them with (expensive gifts)3 instead of providing time5, attention6, affection7, patience8 and support9.
*他说: “今天下班后({我买酒请客}/ ditto}1a/{我买酒款待每一个人}1b), ({有任何接受的人吗}2a/{有人感兴趣吗}2b)? ”: He said: “({I’m buying drinks/Drinks are on me}1a/{I’m treating everyone for drinks}1b) today after work. ({Any takers}2a/ {Anyone interested}2b)?”
*他({以现金}1a/{记账在他的白金信用卡}1b/{一次付清款额}1c/{以分期付款计划}1d/{一部分以银行借贷}1e)来(买那辆新车)2: He (purchased the new car)2 ({in cash}1a/{by charging it to his platinum credit card}1b/{in a single lump-sum payment}1c/ {through an instalment payment plan}1d/{partially through a bank loan}1e).
[]: (~) wheat
w燕麦: oat
w荞麦: buckwheat
w大麦: barley
w麦片: cereal
w麦子[麥]: wheat
w(黑麦/裸麦): rye
[]: (~头) identification mark on goods
[]: (~) sell; (~) betray; (~) exert efforts; (~) show off
w二手货大义卖: rummage sale
w车房摊子二手货大平卖: garage sale
w庭院摊子二手货大平卖: yard sale
*他说: “(这些苹果怎么卖)1?”: He said: “(How much are these apples selling for)1?”
*这(品目)1(很好卖/ditto)2: This item1 (sell like hotcakes/fly out the door/fly off the shelves)2.
*他们(在很卖力做事/ditto)1: They are (keen at work/ working hard)1.
*他说: “(所有的卖光了)1, (没有卖的了)2.”: He said: “(Everything is sold out)1 and (there’s nothing left to sell)2.”
*他说: “当我见到(电脑大平卖)1我会(告诉你一声)2.”: He said: “When I see (computers on sale)1 I’ll (let you know)2.”
*他说: “我们(进行)1(三天的)2 (清货大平卖)3.”: He said: “We’re conducting1 a three-day2 (blowout sale)3.”
*他说: “(这块地产)1(在公开市场)2应该会(卖得)3(一个好价钱)4.”: He said: “This property1 should fetch3 (a good price)4 (in the open market)2.”
*他说: “我们有(很多机会)1去(收购这公司)2, 但我们不能(完成/ditto)3那(买卖)4.”: He said: “We had (many opportunities)1 to (acquire the company)2 but we were unable to (seal/close)3 the deal4.”
*在今天的(政府卖地)1, 六(块优质的地)2将会(被拍卖/ditto)3: In today’s (government land sale)1, six (pieces of prime land lots)2 will (come under the hammer/go under the hammer/ be auctioned off)3.
*他说: “那个(卑鄙小人)1(出卖我们/ditto)2告诉老板我们昨天的(三小时中午饭)3.”: He said: “That creep1 (ratted on us/sold us out)2 and told the boss about our (three-hour lunch)3 yesterday.”
*这公司(持着控制权的股东)1 (现在)2(不准备)3(卖掉全部股份)4但(将来)5(情况)6(可能会改变)7: The (controlling shareholder)1 of this company is (not prepared)3 to (sell out)4 (right now)2, but the situation6 (could change)7 (further down the road)5.
*店员说: “(那品目卖光了)1, 但我可以给你(一张可以将来以同样价钱买那货品的单子)2.”: The store clerk said: “(That item is sold out)1, but I can give you (a rain check)2.”
*这(轿车型号)1的({宣传卖点}2a/{卖点}2b/{销售特色}2c)是它的(节约耗油量)3和({适中价钱}4a/{好价钱}4b): The ({talking points}2a/{selling points}2b/{selling features}2c) of this (sedan model)1 are its (great fuel efficiency)3 and ({modest price tag}4a/{great price}4b).
*那政治家(曾经是)1个(坦言直说)2的(保护环境激进行动分子)3, 但已经因(钱财得益)4(出卖他的原则)5跟(发展商)6(有联系/ditto)7: The politician was once1 an outspoken2 (environmental activist)3, but has (sold his soul)5 for (financial gain)4 and (gone to bed/become associated)7 with developers6.
*他说: “这是个({结业/ditto}1a/ {清货/ditto}1b/{破产}1c)(大平卖)2 ({所有的一定要清除}3a/{我们卖光所有一切直到光秃墙壁}3b).”: He said: “This is a ({closing/closing-out}1a/ {closeout/clearing-out}1b/ {bankruptcy}1c) sale2 and ({everything must go }3a/{we are selling everything right to the bare walls}3b).”
*在我们的五十周年纪念日我们有超过一百款({不可相信}1a/{前所未有}1b)定价({先到先得限量便宜品}2a/{低于成本}2b)的(超优惠特价售卖货品)3: At our fiftieth anniversary we have over one-hundred ({door-crasher}2a/ {loss-leader}2b) (specials)3 at ({unbelievable}1a/ {unprecedented}1b) prices.
[]: (~) vein; (~) pulse
*这公司是这(小镇的命脉)1, 如果它({关门/ditto}2a/{倒闭/ditto}2b), 很多(居民)3会被(丧失)4他们的(谋生的方法)5: This factory is the (lifeblood of this town)1, and if it ({folds/ shuts down/goes out of business/closes}2a/{goes under/goes bust/bankrupts}2b), many residents3 would be (deprived of)4 their (means of livelihood)5.
[]: (~进) march forward
*他说: “(不用理会他)1, 他只是个(老迈)2, (牢骚)2的(老人)3 (寻找别人注意)4.”: He said: “(Ignore him)1! He’s only a senile2, cranky3 (old man)3 (looking for attention)4.”
mān: XXXXX
[]: (~) uncivilized; (~不讲理) unreasonable; (~) unruly; (~) fairly, e.g., (~) fairly handsome
w野蛮人: barbarian
*她(太野蛮不讲道理)1了: She is (too unreasonable)1.
*这蛮好的[這幾好的]: This is fairly good.
[]: (~) eel
[]: (~) bun
w炸馒头: deep-fried bun
埋: (~) blame
*他说: “我们的(经理)1(喜欢)2 (把功劳认领)3和(把自己的错误埋怨他人)4.”: He said: “Our manager1 (likes to)2 (claim credits)3 and (blame others for his own mistakes)4.”
*那一年, (加籍华裔社区)1在({埋怨/ditto}2a/{反对/ditto}2b) (变紧政策)3对于(赞助)4(家庭成员)5(移民到加拿大)6: In that year, (Chinese-Canadian community)1 ({made noises/complained}2a/{protested/ voiced its objection}2b) over the (tightening policy)3 on sponsoring4 (family members)5 (to immigrate to Canada)6.
*他跟女朋友的父母(相遇)1后他对她说: “我不(认为)2你的父亲(喜欢)3我.” 她说: “({不要介意他}4a/{不要理会他}4b)! 他只是个(过分维护)5(他小女儿)6的(埋怨多多)7(老头儿)8, 但(他是无害的)9.”: After he (met with)1 his girlfriend’s parents, he said to her: “I don’t think2 your father likes3 me.” She said: “({Don’t mind him}4a/{Ignore him}4b)! He’s just a grouchy7 (old man)8 that is overprotective5 of (his little girl)6, but (he’s harmless)9.”
[]: (~) deceive
*(管理层)1对于(即将发生的)2 (合并)3把(职员)4(隐瞒在黑暗中/ditto)5: The management1 kept employees4 (in the dark/ oblivious/uninformed)5 on the pending2 merger3.
*她的(所谓男朋友)1(长时间给她虚望来瞒骗她)2多年(无意向)3(跟她结婚)4: Her (so-called boyfriend)1 has (strung her along)2 for years with (no intention)3 of (marrying her)4.
*主管对他说: “可能你能够(瞒骗其他每一个人)1但你(不能够瞒骗我)2, 因为我知道这部门(谁是真正做事的人)3(你不是其中的一个)4.”: The supervisor said to him: “Maybe you can (fool everyone else)1 but you can’t (put one over on me)2, because I know (who the performers are)3 in this department and (you aren’t one of them)4?”
[滿]: (~) full (house); (~) reach limit (of term); (~) wholeheartedly; (~) satisfied; (自~) complacent
w扑满: piggy bank
*他说: “(胜利满有可能)1.”: He said: “(Success is highly likely)1.”
*他说: “我对我的(奖金)1(很满足)2.”: He said: “I’m content2 with my bonus1.”
*他说: “我(过着/ditto)1(美满的/ditto)2(生活)3.”: He said: “I (lead/live)1 a (happy/blissful)2 life3.”


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